Thank you for connecting with us. We will respond to you shortly. 11 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSIONS Personal DataInternational applicants note: Please print your name exactly as it appears on your passportFull Legal Name *Email *Date of Birth **Place of Birth*Age*SexSelect your Gender.Male.Female.Other*CitizenshipIf not a U.S. citizen, are you a Permanent Resident?.Yes.No Back Next AddressNumber and street or rural routeApt. NoArea Code*Phone Number*City or Town*State*CountryZip Code*I Agree.By checking the box, I authorize that emergency contact person stated above to access my academic and financial records kept with theUniversity. I understand I may withdraw the authorization at any time by calling the Office of Student Affairs. Back Next *Ever convicted of a crime?.Yes.No*Ever dismissed from academic institution?.Yes.No*Ever treated for a mental illness or substance abuse?.Yes.NoApplicant’s Email AddressProposed Term of Enrollment: Fall.Spring(January).Summer(May)*Admission Category.Freshman ::: Check here if you are a beginning freshman..Transfer ::: Check here if you have transferable credits from an accredited medical school*Admission Program:.Premedical : Check here if you have graduated from high school or equivalent or have less.MD Basic Science : Check here if you have at least 90 credits of undergraduate coursework or.MD Clinical Science : Check here if you have successfully completed a minimum of two years of BasicPremedical Program Applicants Only: Indicate the high school from which you graduated / will graduate..Check itSchool NameCity or TownState or CountryGraduation Date Back Next List all other collegesAt which you have enrolled, regardless of grades and/or hours earned. An official transcript must be sent from each college attended, even from summer or if no credit was earned. Failure to list all colleges and universities may make you ineligible for admissions. The decision cannot be made until all transcripts have been received.NameCreditsGPAMonth--- Select ---JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberYearMajorDegree*For students with international college credit, indicate years of full-time study instead of credit hours. Back Next List all Academic awards and/or honorsDateAward / HonorBrief Description Back Next Additional InformationHow do you plan to finance your education? (List values in % of total cost).Personal Savings.Family / Parental Support.Other Sources.Other Loans (affiliated program)OtherDo you prefer to live in AUA dormitory housing for at least one semester?.Yes.No.MaybeIf Yes please select your preference:.Single Occupancy.Double OccupancySelect your preference in choosing a medical school (select all that apply).School’s Facilities.Curriculum.School’s Reputation.Clinical Rotations.USMLE Passing Rate.Low Tuition Fees.Financial AidOtherHow did you first hear about AUA?.Online Ad.Television Ad.Friend.Search Engine.Newspaper Ad.Poster.Radio AdOtherDo you have relatives or friends who are attending or were attending AUA?.Yes.NoNationality / Ethnic Background (optional)?.Asian.Black.Caucasian.HispanicOtherPersonal Statement – It is not a substitute for Personal Essay Personal statement is an opportunity for you to tell us more about yourself beyond your grades and test scores. For example ,describe any special achievements or talents that you possess such as artistic or cultural interests/pursuits (poetry, bilingual proficiency, etc.). Explain any personal experience, responsibilities and/or challenges that have impacted you or your academic achievements. Please write your statement on a separate sheet(s) and attach to the application. Please be as detailed as possible in your response.CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned, hereby apply for admissions to Columbus Central University School of Medicine and if admitted, I agree to comply with the rules of the school and to cooperate with the Faculty and Administration in maintaining high standards of scholarship and conduct. I certify that all the information provided in this application and associated materials are correct, valid and complete.DateSignature Back Submit